十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生 不 required to live in campus housing (with the exception of some students in the VISP程序). 学生 may choose to commute from home or find an apartment off-campus.
学生 considering living off-campus should check out the information below for how it may impact their financial aid and/or guarantee of campus housing for the future (if applicable).
While College always hopes to be able to provide campus housing to as many students as possible, due to the finite amount of space available we 是 不 able to assign applicants without a guarantee of housing (Transfers, 休假归来的学生, continuing students who were 不 eligible to participate in 选房流程, 等). 一些学生可能需要在校外找到自己的住房.
住房选择包括 的Bayit, 国际的房子, ADP 是 不 被认为是校园住房的一部分,而不是 十大电竞游戏综合排名/哥伦比亚住房交易所. 学生 who live in those locations 是 considered to be non-residential students living off-campus.
哥伦比亚大学校外住房市场 provides resources to aid students (including Barnard students) in their search for rental housing in the metro 是a, 包括公寓和转租清单的数据库.
学生 是 encouraged to consider connecting with other students for sh是d off-campus apartments. Forming a group with one or more students can help divide the work of finding an apartment, 分摊租金 & utilities more affordable, open avenues to look for larger apartments (ex. 2或3间卧室,而不是1间卧室或工作室).
非住宿学生支持(NRSS)日内瓦小组 -- a place to connect with other students who may be looking for apartment mates. 我们希望确保这是一个安全和受欢迎的公共空间. 在浏览小组时,请考虑以下指导方针:
- This group is for enrolled Barnard students and particularly for Non-Residential 学生 or students currently on the 十大电竞游戏综合排名 housing waitlist for Fall 2023.
- 支持! Everyone will have varying levels of knowledge related to housing in NYC. 没有“愚蠢”的问题——所有的问题都是欢迎的. 如果您想私下提问,请发电子邮件 offcampus@affordablestriping.net.
- A cool Geneva feature is the ability to create chat rooms specific to your interests or identities. If you 是 interested in creating a specific group, please send us a private message or email offcampus@affordablestriping.net.
- If you or anyone you know ever feel unsafe or unwelcome in our Geneva group, 请立即通知管理员.
- 哥伦比亚大学校外宿舍室友委员会 -学生可以发布并寻找潜在的十大电竞游戏综合排名/哥伦比亚大学室友.
- 十大电竞游戏综合排名招生日内瓦小组 ——让新入学的转学生相互联系
我们知道在纽约找房子可能会有挑战. 而十大电竞游戏综合排名不提供或赞助校外住房, 这是为了支持十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生寻找校外住房, Non-Residential Student 支持 will be hosting several informational webinars with local NYC real estate professionals. The sessions will be recorded and available on our website after the live sessions. The webinars 是 intended for informational purposes only and 十大电竞游戏综合排名 does 不 endorse any particular real estate agency or professional. 您可以参加任何或所有的三个会议, 我们也邀请你们的家人参加.
- 纽约大学.edu/students/student-information-and-resources/housing-and-dining/off-campus-living.html
- newschool.edu/housing/off-campus
- 福特汉姆.edu/student-life/commuter-student-services/lincoln-center-commuter-student-services/off-campus-student-info/apartment-hunting-in-nyc-lc
- 朱丽亚.edu/campus-life/living-nyc/campus-housing-resources
- ccny.城市大学.edu/studentaffairs/campus-resources
独立校外住房社区的链接如下. Please 不e that 十大电竞游戏综合排名 assumes no responsibility or liability in connection with any rental agreement or services provided by the listed resources. The listing of any resource does 不 constitute an endorsement of the service or guarantee of availability.
- 的Bayit (拜特以法莲)——由犹太学生经营的独立公共住房
- 国际的房子 (只适用于21岁或以上的学生)
- 一个世界 (只对国际学生开放)
- 教育及房屋服务
- 君主的高度
- Student住房Works.com
- CCNY的双子塔
- Student住房Associates.com
- NYCintern.org
- Y街92号
- FoundStudy.com
- Hyatus哈莱姆
- 纽约老年人家庭共享计划基金会
学生 who will be living off-campus 是 encouraged to check options for sustainable furniture purchases or swaps.
- Rheaply -- online platform designed to facilitate the exchange of items among the Barnard 社区 (managed by the Office of Sustainability & 气候行动)
- LivDao.com ——市区二手家具网上交易平台
For information about the Commuter Lounge, renting a locker in Barnard Hall, etc. 请访问 http://affordablestriping.net/studentlife/commuterresources.
所有在校生, 包括住在家里或校外的学生, 是 required to be enrolled in a Barnard meal plan during the academic year.
学生将默认加入Flex 125膳食计划, 但可以改变一个不同的膳食计划,通过提交 膳食计划更改表格 在每学期截止日期前提交.
有关膳食计划的更多信息, 价格, 以及更改膳食计划的截止日期, 请浏览 财务主管的网站.
学生 who live off-campus 是 packaged as a "commuter" instead of as a "residential" student by the 金融援助 office, 这意味着他们可能有资格获得更少的助学金. 学生 who 是 planning to move off-campus 是 strongly encouraged to discuss with the 财政援助办事处 how it could affect their financial aid package before finalizing their plans.
- Only students living in campus housing for the Spring (or who lived in campus housing immediately before going to a study abroad program) 是 eligible to participate in the 选房流程 (i.e. 住房彩票) each Spring to secure campus housing for the following academic year.
- 学生 who chose to move off-campus (or do 不 live in campus housing as a First Year) would 不 有资格参加房间选择过程,并且可以 不 参加房屋抽签小组等.
- 欢迎这些学生申请加入 非保证轮候名单, but we can不 guarantee that space will be available for them to be assigned to campus housing.
- 学生 who choose to live off-campus should be prep是d for the possibility they may 不 be able to get back into campus housing for the future.
- 欢迎转帐至 申请住房; however, space in campus housing is limited and assignment unfortunately can不 be guaranteed.
- 在第一学年,转学优先用于住房, based on a variety of factors including 招生 deposit date and distance from campus.
- Continuing students who started as 欢迎转帐至 re-apply for campus housing in following years but would be prioritized after new enrolling Transfer students.